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Principal's Message 

Welcome to Foster Road Elementary School. It is with great pleasure that I invite you to be a part of our family. Here at Foster Road, our staff is committed to the success of every child. Our goal is to instill in our students a commitment to academic excellence and community awareness.  

This year we are moving forward with solidifying our implementation of the common core standards. We will be in the second year of our math adoption. We will also be working on identifying a new common core aligned adoption for our Language Arts program. There is much work to do in fully implementing the new standards but our teachers will continue to be up to the challenge.


At the beginning of the school year, we will receive performance data on last year's SBAC test. We are looking forward to identifying our strengths and weaknesses so that we can solidify our program. Progress on this year's test will be one of our outcomes.


We will continue to instill solid character building programs for our students. We will continue to provide Character Counts and Playworks programs. Our belief is that a solid academic program can only achieve its potential if we develop students' social and behavioral skills. 


We look forward to a productive year as we all work together in providing the best program possible for every child. 


-Mr. Salvador Villagomez

Principal Foster Road Elementary